Lemurian seed Quartz Crystal Stone Japa Mala 108+1 beads For Use Them To Retrieve Ancient Information,Spiritual outlet Meditation, Yoga, Spiritual
lemurian seed Quartz Crystal Stone Japa Mala 108+1 beads For Use Them To Retrieve Ancient Information, Spiritual Meditation, Yoga, Spiritual
Lemurian quartz crystal is a type of crystal that is reputed to help you to retrieve information about the ancient civilization of Lemuria. So why do lightworkers find these crystals so fascinating?
Lightworkers have received a lot of information, while using Lemurian crystals. They have a truly powerful energy, and are excellent for aiding spiritual development work.
This is especially true for those stones that come from the Himalayan Mountains, as crystals from this area embody a truly spiritual vibration.
What has been discovered by those using them, is that these crystals were left for us to use by a very advanced civilization. More and more of these crystals are being brought to light.
The need for the average person to use them is also becoming evident. If you use these stones, and make a connection with them, you feel like you are being transported back to an ancient time.
Lemurian Quartz crystal are also known as Lemurian outlet Seed Crystals or Lemurian Star Seeds, and while the name relates to their specific structure, they can all be used for the same purpose.