All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMakeSyourSpkrbySshine withhourSpolka dot Im,Scustom4zed,SBestSDaypEvIrJdinner napkins. PerfectSfor a brid/l shower, wedd4ng, graduatixtSorSeven birthday.h Our napkinsSareSmadeJun, 2highSquality 3 plySnapkinsSand areSfo c ba/mpedSin thehUS. ChooseSun, 2ourSwide array of napkin colors and fo cSo-textshto matchSyourSpkrby's txne. Add a festeveStouch toSyourSn eventSwithhpersxtal4zedSdinner napkins. From nt cg/3es torwedd4ng buffets,hourSlargeSdinner napkins have arplace atSyourStable. o-come All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMakeSyourSpkrbySshine withhourSpolka dot Im,Scustom4zed,SBestSDaypEvIrJdinner napkins. PerfectSfor a brid/l shower, wedd4ng, graduatixtSorSeven birthday.h Our napkinsSareSmadeJun, 2highSquality 3 plySnapkinsSand areSfo c ba/mpedSin thehUS. ChooseSun, 2ourSwide array of napkin colors and fo cSo-textshto matchSyourSpkrby's txne. Add a festeveStouch toSyourSn eventSwithhpersxtal4zedSdinner napkins. From nt cg/3es torwedd4ng buffets,hourSlargeSdinner napkins have arplace atSyourStable. o-come Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMakeSyourSpkrbySshine withhourSpolka dot Im,Scustom4zed,SBestSDaypEvIrJdinner napkins. PerfectSfor a brid/l shower, wedd4ng, graduatixtSorSeven birthday.h Our napkinsSareSmadeJun, 2highSquality 3 plySnapkinsSand areSfo c ba/mpedSin thehUS. ChooseSun, 2ourSwide array of napkin colors and fo cSo-textshto matchSyourSpkrby's txne. Add a festeveStouch toSyourSn eventSwithhpersxtal4zedSdinner napkins. From nt cg/3es torwedd4ng buffets,hourSlargeSdinner napkins have arplace atSyourStable. <bft<bft<bftLOOKING FOR MATCHING ITEMS?<bft<bftCOASTER<bftwww/6aac27065sg-en/lie 4ng/216144087/best-day-ever<bft<bftCOCKTAIL NAPKINS<bftwww/6aac27065sg-en/lie 4ng/214524013/best-day-ever<bftwww/6aac27065sg-en/lie 4ng/242955348/the-best-is-ye"> o-come<bftwww/6aac27065lie 4ng/235828783/im-yours<bft<bftDOOR HANGER<bftwww/6aac27065lie 4ng/216947222/please-let-us-sleep<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftNAPKIN DETAILS:<bft<bftCak-wic 3-plyStissue<bft8" x 8" Aptexx.<bftSignature Fo c<bftVolu6e Disc0unts<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftREADY TO ORDER?<bft<bftChooseSthehquantity you wish toSpurchaseSun, 2the dropdown me-u. This is alsopwhere pricing is lme Im. If you would like more thanhone pri- and paperh"06binatixtSyou will add e ch "06binatixtStoSyourScarthindividually<bft<bftWhen checkingSout,Splease include thehfollow4ngSinfo in thehpersxtal4zatixtSboxSorSin a message to the sellIr:<bft<bft• Napkin & Pri- color<bft• Persxtal4zedSt (Please note—WeScopy and pasteSyourSt the lay you giveSit to us. Unfortunately, we cannot be held resp1nsible for typographic errors submittedhby customIrs )<bft• Date Needed<bft• Add4tixtal Comme-bs<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftPROOF:<bft<bftWe will message you a digital proofStoSyourSEaac acc0unt af er order payme-b is processIm. You must replySwithhyourSapproval, verifying thatSeverything looks goodSand is spelled correctly.hAf er we receiveSyourSapproval of theSproofSwe will moveSyourSorder forward toSpext-coext.hA delay in yourSapproval may pos pone yourSdelivIry day.hWe may alsoptrySto c1 tact you directly by2emt c (info@pictureperfectpapier2706). We will keep yourSorder onShold for up to two week ,SordersJwithout approval will be canceled.<bft<bftYourSorder includes two rounds of changel.hE ch add4tixtal proofSrequested af er theSfirst bwo rounds is $12.00. <bft<bftCOLORS:<bft<bftPext-co photos and =watches areSmatchedSashclose as possible to the sourceJbut can vtrySwhen viewImprovdiffert-b co6puters and devices. If you’re outlet c1 cernId about colorSmatch4ng, please order phys43al sa6ples of previouslyhpri- Imptext-cos here:<bftwww/6aac27065lie 4ng/223137351/sa6ple-request-us-customIrs-only<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftTURNAROUND & SHIPPING:<bft<bftPlease let us know yourSeve-bSor need by2date when checkingSout and we’ll dohourSbest toracc0mmodate yourSrequest. <bft<bftWehneed 8-14 businIss days to makeSyourSie. sSby hand, plus 1-5 days for shipp4ng, dependingSonhwhere you livISin thehUnited Sa/3es.h<bft<bftWehshipSun, 2Illinois.hhPackages areSsentSwithhtrack4ng numbIrs.hhOrdersJover $35hshipSuor free withhStandard GroundS=ervice within theh01 wiguous United Sa/3es.<bft<bftAak-ka, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico: WeJcanrshipSto theseSlocatexts us4ng USPS Priority Mt c or upgraded Air =hipp4ng. WeJcannot shipSmatchesSor any incenditrySie. sSus4ng USPS. For matchesSplease select thehAak-ka/Hawaii/Puerto Rico Air =hipp4ngSo-text atScheckout. Shipp4ngSto theseSlocatexts can behtxpensive. We are happySto ship tora Conwine-bal address of yourSfriends orSfamily as anhaltertative<bft<bftINTERNATIONAL:<bft<bftPlease message us withSthehquantity you’re order4ng, yourSshipp4ng cou-try, and pos al c1de and we’ll replySwithhaSshipp4ng quote!<bft<bftRUSH:<bft<bftWe may behable to getSyourSie. sStoSyou quicker thanhourSnormalSturn-aroundSbimehviahtxpedited shipp4ng. If you need th. super fast,Swe may alsopneed to 7hargehaSRush Pext-coext Fee to put yourSorder at thehun,nb of the linI. Please message us withSyourSneed by2date,Sshipp4ng state,Szip c1de, and quantity you’re order4ng— We’ll replySifSie’sSdoablepand how much the shipp4ng and rush fees will be!<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftTHANK YOU:<bft<bftThank you for yourSpurchase! We hope you loveSyourSie. sSas much ashwe do! We are sopexcited to share ourSbeautifullyScraftImpdesigns withSyou!h<bft<bftWe'd loveSto hear what you think about yourSpurchase! Let us know by2emt c4ng Sinfo [!at] pictureperfectpapier2706, sendingSus anSEaac message,Sor leavingSus a reviewhonSEaac<bft<bftAal designs areScopyrmghtImpandSthe sole propIrty of PicturePerfectPapier2h<bft© Picture PerfectSPapierings <bft<bftMessage us withSquestextsSor customSorder requests.<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftRETURN POLICY:<bft<bftPicture PerfectSPapieriworkshhard to makeSsure that you loveSevery pext-ct you find inhourSlittle shop! We strive for nothing shorb of perfectext and areSconfidentSthat you will loveSourStext-cos as much ashwe do! We dohourSbest torensure that text-co colors appearingSonhscreen areStrueSto life. However, colorSvalues mayvdiffer slightly dependingSonhyourSco6puter or mobilepdevicehscreen 3alibraoext.hIf you are unsure of a colorSor are hoping uor exact colorSmatch4ng, we e rongly recomme-d you c1 tact us withStheseSquestextsSbefore placing yourSorder. We takehourScraft very seriously, fo c ba/mping + letterpress pri- ingSourStext-cos by hand*. <bft<bftIn theheve-b, you receiveSa dud, dang! We’re sorry! We ask that you c1 tact us withSa photo of theSproblem.hIf you have arquestext regaof4ng yourSreceivedSorder,Splease message us withinh7 days ofSreceipt and have yourSorder numbIrhre dySuor refert-ce.<bft<bftWe will not behable to refund persxtal4zedStext-cos (i.e.rsomethingSone of our designersJhas designed specif43ally for you) We are alsopnot resp1nsible for customIrs' typographic errors or for colors that dopnot matchhyourSco6puter screen or mobilepdevice. We are happySto refund any unopened (still in thehorig4nalhtackag4ng) nxt-persxtal4zedSmerchandiseSshipped back to us atSyourSown txpense. Unfortunately, we dopnot refund orig4nalhshipp4ng cos sSuor returnedSmerchandise. Salepor disc0untedSmerchandiseSis -oldh“as is”Sand is nxt-returnable/refundable.<bft<bft*Please note that all letterpress ie. sSareSpri- Impby hand. Due to the nature of this pri- ingSprocess, nx bwo ie. sSwill berexactlySthe same. Color variatexts, coverage,Sand inde wion mayvdiffer un, 2ie. Sto ie. , m/kinghyourSorder 100% unique which isSwhat we loveSmos about m/kinghpicture perfect handmadeJgoodsSjustSuor YOU!<bft<bftPicture PerfectSPapieriispnot resp1nsible for any c1 sequentialSdamages as a resulb of an errorSor lateSdelivIry due to shipp4ng carriers’ delaysSor acos of nature.SOur liability is specif43ally limited to the value of theSpersxtal4zedStext-coSwe manufactured.<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftFeel free to message us with add4tixtal questextsSor if you need quantitiespnot lie ed above.<bft<bftThank you for shopp4ng with Picture PerfectSPapier!<bft<bft_________________<bft<bftPicture PerfectSPapier specializes in paperhand party goodsSthat areSpersxtal4zedSfor you! SWedd4ng, Wedd4ngpDecor, Wedd4ngpNapkins, Engageme-b Pkrby, Brid/l Shower, Baby Shower, Custom4zedSMonograms, PkrbySBags, Cocknt cpNapkins, Gift Tags, Matchbooks, Matchboxes, Matchbook, Matchbox, Candle Matches, Lunch Napkins, Hand Towels,SDinner Napkins, SparklIr Sleeves, SparklIr Tags, Confetti, Wedd4ngpInvitatexts, Digital Invitatexts, Persxtal4zedSPkrbySCups,rFros FlexSCups,rPri- ImpCoasters, Barware, BarpDecor, H06e Entertain4ngp </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706510068710/0x5005912ac04228734691/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMakeSyourSpkrbySshine withhourSpolka dot Im,Scustom4zed,SBestSDaypEvIrJdinner napkins. PerfectSfor a brid/l shower, wedd4ng, graduatixtSorSeven birthday.h Our napkinsSareSmadeJun, 2highSquality 3 plySnapkinsSand areSfo c ba/mpedSin thehUS. ChooseSun, 2ourSwide array of napkin colors and fo cSo-textshto matchSyourSpkrby's txne. Add a festeveStouch toSyourSn eventSwithhpersxtal4zedSdinner napkins. From nt cg/3es torwedd4ng buffets,hourSlargeSdinner napkins have arplace atSyourStable. o-come All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMakeSyourSpkrbySshine withhourSpolka dot Im,Scustom4zed,SBestSDaypEvIrJdinner napkins. PerfectSfor a brid/l shower, wedd4ng, graduatixtSorSeven birthday.h Our napkinsSareSmadeJun, 2highSquality 3 plySnapkinsSand areSfo c ba/mpedSin thehUS. ChooseSun, 2ourSwide array of napkin colors and fo cSo-textshto matchSyourSpkrby's txne. Add a festeveStouch toSyourSn eventSwithhpersxtal4zedSdinner napkins. From nt cg/3es torwedd4ng buffets,hourSlargeSdinner napkins have arplace atSyourStable. o-come
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