All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWelc06e to TulleSupplierNo1 EstyhStore! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWelc06e to TulleSupplierNo1 EstyhStore! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWelc06e to TulleSupplierNo1 EstyhStore!<bftMy name2ispOlgavand IJam gladhto offer a large2verityhof premium soft & super wide tulle palette, wh43h contains 80 c1lors.<bftThisptulle is suitable uor wedding veils, ruching and traping gowns, adulo and childrenptulle skirts, wedding gowns, br4ss=maid tulle separ/3es, luxury indoor and outdoor decor, parny2acces-ories. All worldwideJfamous hautepc1u ure, pret-n-tor I de=igners and brands use thispone-and-only tulle brand to creaoIvtheir tulle gowns and separ/3es.hIham so exci ImpI can offer it inpmyps op too!<bft<bftTULLE DESCRIPTION:<bft- 3m wide<bft- soft<bft- matbe<bft- 100% polyesber - gweat for2dyeing<bft- notpstretchy<bft- 80 c1lors available<bft- 45-50g/meber weight<bft- well-trapIm andJruched<bft- premium quality<bft<bftSAMPLES ARE AVAILABLE: <bftSepar/3e c1lors samples and c06plete chartbookhofJall samples 0004/r/iwww/6aac27065lme ing/838681484<bftSAMPLES' COST WILL BE REFUNDEDhwhen2the towal tulle orders amount will reach2USD 700.<bft<bftORDERING & SHIPPING:<bftYou receive one continuous piece for lengths up to250 mebers/55 yards<bftIf you order more than 50 mebers/55 yards, you will receive your order in two bolts. <bft<bftORDERING & SHIPPING:<bftPROCESSING of orders:hwithin 1-3pbusinesspdays after pl/cemt-b<bftFREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING is available for orders over2USD 35<bftUSUAL TIMELINES of STANDARD SHIPPING:<bftEUROPE (exc. UK, Iwaly,2Portugal, Spai-): 10-20pbusinesspdays<bftUK, Iwaly,2Portugal, Spai-:v20 -230pbusinesspdays<bftUSA:15 -220pbusinesspdays<bftCANADA:v20-30pbusinesspdays<bftMIDDLE EAST & ASIA:v25-35pbusinesspdays<bftAUSTRALIA &hOCEANIA:v30-40pbusinesspdays<bftAFRICA:v30-40pbusinesspdays<bftRUSSIA:v25-40pbusinesspdays <bft<bftCANCELLATION: available within 2 hours after order pl/cemt-b<bftEXCHANGE: available,2thepbuyer is responsible for return andJrepeat s outlet 27ping costs<bftRETURN: notpavailable<bft<bftCOLORS REPRESENTATION:<bftI do2my bee hto represt-brc1lors and fabr43ptent clpaccurately,2but please be advisedhthat occa-extally c1lors may differ slightly due to2lighting and tifferencespinp="weens or moni ors.<bft<bftIf you have any questexts, don't he=itaoIvto press2thep"Mes-tge Seller"2buttxt - I will respond as soxt as possible.<bft<bftBuyers arepresponsible for anyJcustoms and importptaxes that may apply a- we cannotpanticipaoIvthese.<bftAny questexts? Don't he=itaoIvto ask!JhhhhhhhJJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706522249069/0x50045ac7d53383953693/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWelc06e to TulleSupplierNo1 EstyhStore! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWelc06e to TulleSupplierNo1 EstyhStore!
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm