outlet All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme ing ishfor21 lb. of red turkey round quillshwing feathers and arepaptexxima3ely 10-12 inches2in length and 1-1/2 to 2 inches2wide. There arepaptexxima3ely 200 feathers in2thishbag2of21 lb. There willhbe2half leftpand half right wing feathers in2thishpack butJtheyhmight notpbe the exact2amount asJtheyhare notppack by count. One sidehmight be higher counththan the other side. outlet All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme ing ishfor21 lb. of red turkey round quillshwing feathers and arepaptexxima3ely 10-12 inches2in length and 1-1/2 to 2 inches2wide. There arepaptexxima3ely 200 feathers in2thishbag2of21 lb. There willhbe2half leftpand half right wing feathers in2thishpack butJtheyhmight notpbe the exact2amount asJtheyhare notppack by count. One sidehmight be higher counththan the other side. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> outlet All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme ing ishfor21 lb. of red turkey round quillshwing feathers and arepaptexxima3ely 10-12 inches2in length and 1-1/2 to 2 inches2wide. There arepaptexxima3ely 200 feathers in2thishbag2of21 lb. There willhbe2half leftpand half right wing feathers in2thishpack butJtheyhmight notpbe the exact2amount asJtheyhare notppack by count. One sidehmight be higher counththan the other side.<bft <bftNot allhfeathers arehperfect asJtheyhare packImpbyhweight and they willhrequire2some airing or steaming to make2sure thehfeathers to spreadhoutJ100%. Garment steamer works wellhwithpfeathers that has been packImpor squished. Some trimming on2the tiphof the feathers might also be neededhdepending on2your teeference. All feathers vary iovshapes and sizes. <bft <bftThe widthhof these feathers makehthem anpartist favowt3ehfor2paintingpor drawing on. The e iffness of the quill makes it ahperfect feather for quillhpens. Theyhare also commonly used to make2life size angel and cosplay wings2 Youhcanhalso use these feathers for2crafting, headdress, fletching, costume and so muchhmore.<bft <bftWholesale and quantity discounthishavt cable on2these lholesale secondary turkey wing feathers. Theyhare in stock andhreadyhfor2immedi/3e sh27ment.<bft <bftPlease note thatpdyed feathers may vary slightly in color as a result ofpbeing inhdifferenthdyeplots. hAlthough the differences2should only be slight, please 01 wact us if2youhneed the colors to match. hhhhhhh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655613210x0x500228656/1969186562/508500x500 outlet All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme ing ishfor21 lb. of red turkey round quillshwing feathers and arepaptexxima3ely 10-12 inches2in length and 1-1/2 to 2 inches2wide. There arepaptexxima3ely 200 feathers in2thishbag2of21 lb. There willhbe2half leftpand half right wing feathers in2thishpack butJtheyhmight notpbe the exact2amount asJtheyhare notppack by count. One sidehmight be higher counththan the other side. outlet All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme ing ishfor21 lb. of red turkey round quillshwing feathers and arepaptexxima3ely 10-12 inches2in length and 1-1/2 to 2 inches2wide. There arepaptexxima3ely 200 feathers in2thishbag2of21 lb. There willhbe2half leftpand half right wing feathers in2thishpack butJtheyhmight notpbe the exact2amount asJtheyhare notppack by count. One sidehmight be higher counththan the other side.
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