All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>t----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>t----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>t----------> PRODUCTION +2SHIPPING <----------<<<>t----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOur ImagesporpLogohOur Apparel, Napkin2or Welcome Bag DesignshOur Pext-co Ds="wt-texts hhh All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>t----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>t----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>t----------> PRODUCTION +2SHIPPING <----------<<<>t----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOur ImagesporpLogohOur Apparel, Napkin2or Welcome Bag DesignshOur Pext-co Ds="wt-texts hhh Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>t----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<<bft<bftAdd a special touchhto2your2evtn pwithhour2customizedp2 ounce plasoec2shot gak-wes oThis affordable tent c ishpIrfect uor2your2family andpfriends toptoas to2your2celebraoext. hOur plasoec2shot gak-wesJare beso forpshots,2small food tastings andpmini desserts.<bft<bft<bft>>t----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<<bft<bftQUANTITY: Choose2your outlet desired quantity in2the drop downhbox <bft<bftnIZE: Each2cup holdsp2 ounces.<bft<bftMEASUREMENTS:hh2.25"ptall xr1.875"pwide at top.<bft<bftCOLOR: Shot gak-wesJare clear in2color.<bft<bftIMPORTANT:hIt is2the nature of2plasoec2topscuff and scratch during stacking andps 27ping oThesepscuffs and scratchelJare not consideredha defect.<bft<bft<bft>>t----------> PRODUCTION +2SHIPPING <----------<<<<bft<bftPext-comxt time uor2this customrmade item2is generally up2top3 weeks.2Pleasehallow up2top3 weeks uor2this customritem2to2be2made beforeps 27ment. Standard ground s 27pingrmayptake2up2top3-5 bus4nesl day 2depIndingJrovyour locaoext/delivtry addresl oThis is a customrmade item.hIt is2nxt-returnable and consideredha fital salI.<bft<bftIf youphave any quesoexts, pleasepc1 wact us beforepplacingJyour order.<bft<bftx♥x♥ BTID<bft<bft<bft>>t----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<<bft<bftBeforepthe I Do's actively2searches the maoketplace uor2those2whopc1py and steal our unique design . All 01 wt-brin2our2shop is2our2intellectual property. Werdo protect our2intellectual property and our copyrigho .<bft<bftPleasepdo2not retext-ce any ofhthe2uollowing aspit ishprohibited:<bft<bft>hOur ImagesporpLogo<bft>hOur Apparel, Napkin2or Welcome Bag Designs<bft>hOur Pext-co Ds="wt-texts hhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659520599/0x500b6d37a/4197846391/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>t----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>t----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>t----------> PRODUCTION +2SHIPPING <----------<<<>t----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOur ImagesporpLogohOur Apparel, Napkin2or Welcome Bag DesignshOur Pext-co Ds="wt-texts hhh All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>t----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>t----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>t----------> PRODUCTION +2SHIPPING <----------<<<>t----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOur ImagesporpLogohOur Apparel, Napkin2or Welcome Bag DesignshOur Pext-co Ds="wt-texts hhh
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