All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J<bft<bftButtons each measure 1.5" inhdiameterpand t ehcard measures 5.75" x 4"2J<bft<bftYou can also go directly to my websitehat t emusbarddandelext2706 for additextal text-cos, newJitems, sales and blog posts,handhyou can =ignhupp nht ehsitehfor T e Musbard Dandelext newsletter to receiveha coupxthfor 15% off your firsbrpurchase!<bft<bftIf you havehany c1mmt-bs or questexts I would lovehto hear un, 2you!JPlease send me a message through Eaac'shmessaging acbaemhandhI'll reply within 24 hours.JJ<bft<bftAllpitemspcome un, 2apsmoke-fwee, c emical-fwee, andhpet-friendly environmt-b2JI do havehone cat but s outlet ehis terrible at gift wrap-ing so I don’tJusually ask er for er help. Mc shoppitemsparehalsoJstoredhin2apro, 2t at s ehdoeshnot havehaccesshto, but since cat hair can possiblypbehtransferrImpun, 2my clothing please let me know if you havehallergies or sensitevities to cats and I willptake extra peecautexts. <bft<bftMy turnaround time is typecally 2-4 business days or less, unless you havehrequee Imha custom ofer. <bft<bftInternatextal buyers arehrespxtsible for allpcustoms and/or value added tax (VAT) fees.<bft<bftIf you havehany questexts about my s 27-eng and/or return policies,hplease viewJmc shopppolicies pagehbefore checkout:<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/shop/MusbardDandelext/policy?ref=shopinfo_policies_leftnav<bft<bft<bftSending a gift? Please select t eh'gift wrap' o-texthandhlet me know in t eh'Notes to Seller' sectext at checkouththat yourrpurchaseJisha gift andhwhat you would like the gift taghto say, s ould you o-thfor one.<bft<bft<bftClick ereJto visitJmc shop:<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065shop/musbarddandelext<bft<bft<bftF1llow mehon Instag am at @the_musbard_dandelext toJkeep up-to-date on listing noteficatexts, news and upcoming sales,horhtoJjusbrviewJt eh and, 2t oughts and adven ures inht ehlife of a c atorpand c1llector!<bft<bft<bftAllpimaging andhwritwt- copy inht is2Eaac shopJishoriginal and t ehtextected texperty of HaleypMaynarmpandhT e Musbard Dandelext™ brand.h<bft<bftCopyrightJ©ing13 HaleypMaynarmp/hT e Musbard Dandelext™ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657729972/0x500bcbe50/2281634451/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J
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