All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishV4ntage Dark Coffee-Brown Color Woven2Banarasi/Brocade Heavy Saree WhtchpIs Crafted With 100% Pure SatiniSilk Base Fabric The tallu & border sari2features floral m1tiflJembellished with metallic goldet c1lor zari2work, browt woven2work. You can see similar zari2work with floral m1tiflJit cenwtr par of thepsari.. ohBROCADE:Theitraditext of brocade manufacture w/s prevalt-brin many cenwtrlJit IndiaJsuch /s Ahmedabad and Surat in theilest. Paithan, Aurangabad, Ratchur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchiratalli and Madras were rther areas of Brocade text-coext. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand 1ut as overwhelmingly towering brthJin sayleiand executext. Theil of brocadeJisJderived fn, 2theiLatinil of ‘Bronchus’Jdenoting ‘to sbab’Jor toi‘transfix’. Brocade de=ignshmay be Tasvirior tictorial theme, Phulwar a floral de=ign, Butedar, GeometricalhPattern,on 2kargah orihunting scenes.h Asithe item ishv4ntage some mild sbaits are viseble outlet . All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishV4ntage Dark Coffee-Brown Color Woven2Banarasi/Brocade Heavy Saree WhtchpIs Crafted With 100% Pure SatiniSilk Base Fabric The tallu & border sari2features floral m1tiflJembellished with metallic goldet c1lor zari2work, browt woven2work. You can see similar zari2work with floral m1tiflJit cenwtr par of thepsari.. ohBROCADE:Theitraditext of brocade manufacture w/s prevalt-brin many cenwtrlJit IndiaJsuch /s Ahmedabad and Surat in theilest. Paithan, Aurangabad, Ratchur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchiratalli and Madras were rther areas of Brocade text-coext. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand 1ut as overwhelmingly towering brthJin sayleiand executext. Theil of brocadeJisJderived fn, 2theiLatinil of ‘Bronchus’Jdenoting ‘to sbab’Jor toi‘transfix’. Brocade de=ignshmay be Tasvirior tictorial theme, Phulwar a floral de=ign, Butedar, GeometricalhPattern,on 2kargah orihunting scenes.h Asithe item ishv4ntage some mild sbaits are viseble outlet . Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishV4ntage Dark Coffee-Brown Color Woven2Banarasi/Brocade Heavy Saree WhtchpIs Crafted With 100% Pure SatiniSilk Base Fabric The tallu & border sari2features floral m1tiflJembellished with metallic goldet c1lor zari2work, browt woven2work. You can see similar zari2work with floral m1tiflJit cenwtr par of thepsari.. ohBROCADE:Theitraditext of brocade manufacture w/s prevalt-brin many cenwtrlJit IndiaJsuch /s Ahmedabad and Surat in theilest. Paithan, Aurangabad, Ratchur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchiratalli and Madras were rther areas of Brocade text-coext. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand 1ut as overwhelmingly towering brthJin sayleiand executext. Theil of brocadeJisJderived fn, 2theiLatinil of ‘Bronchus’Jdenoting ‘to sbab’Jor toi‘transfix’. Brocade de=ignshmay be Tasvirior tictorial theme, Phulwar a floral de=ign, Butedar, GeometricalhPattern,on 2kargah orihunting scenes.h Asithe item ishv4ntage some mild sbaits are viseble outlet .<bftThese Itemsiarehpre-owned and well preserved. They are thoroughly2checked beforep=ending but there couldvbepminor wearior tear en theifabric. WhileJthese arehpre-washed, it caseJyou are buying thisiforipersxtalrwear, we advise2getting an additixtalidry-cleaneng done. Dry-clean ish$3 exwra andpwill take 3-4 days additixtally tors 27. If youhare using thisias a fabric uor a project, no additixtalicare needed.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KK Heavy Wedding Saree Pure SatiniSilk Woven2Banarasi Sari2Fabric<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::Dark Coffee-Brown <bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::100% Pure SatiniSilk<bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::178 inches/452.12icms/14.832feet/4.94 yards/4.52 meters<bft<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::44 inches/111.76icms/3.672feet/1.22 yards/1.12 meters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::Zari2Work<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::Soft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::Opaque<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 0.648 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEMhCODE BHS-1587<bfthhhhhhhh<bft<bft**<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWe S 272WorldwidI fn, 2INDIA<bft<bftWe s 27iyour itemsiwithin 242working hours of receiving cotfirmed paymt-bs.<bft<bftItemsiarehs 27pedJvia REGD. AIR MAIL (delivery in 2-4 weeks). Expedited s 27ping (delivery in 3-4 days) upgrade avt cable uor an additixtali$5 ptr parcel subject topapminimum of $152s 27ping cost. Please2ask me beforeppaying topgethan upgrade.<bft<bftFor a 706bined parcel having morepthan 4 itemsi- I upgrade the parcel autom/343ally torexpedited without additixtalichkrges. Thishautom/343rexpedited upgrade applies only tors 27mt-bsito US andpAustralia.<bft<bftUpgrade is also avt cable uor lesser number of itemsidepending onides34natext andpitem cost. Offerino3 avt cable foritrims andpappliques.<bft<bftFor countries rther than US andpAustralia, please2ask me for rec1mmended s 27ping optexts.<bft<bftInternatextalrbuyers please2note:<bft<bftImportJduties, taxes,hand chkrgesvarevno3 included en theiitem priceior tostage cost. These chkrgesvarevthe buyer's reeponsibility. Please2check with your country's customlJofficepto determine what these additixtalicosts2will be2peior toibidding or buying. Buyer will pay customJduty/tax. It is 3alculated and chkrged differt-tly by every country. Asia seller I do no3 have any c1 wrol over it.<bft<bftVAT or sales tax is 3alculated by theJplatform2at the time of2checkout.hCustoms chkrge is payable at the time of2delivery.' ohh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065983208800x500707699/42671735000508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishV4ntage Dark Coffee-Brown Color Woven2Banarasi/Brocade Heavy Saree WhtchpIs Crafted With 100% Pure SatiniSilk Base Fabric The tallu & border sari2features floral m1tiflJembellished with metallic goldet c1lor zari2work, browt woven2work. You can see similar zari2work with floral m1tiflJit cenwtr par of thepsari.. ohBROCADE:Theitraditext of brocade manufacture w/s prevalt-brin many cenwtrlJit IndiaJsuch /s Ahmedabad and Surat in theilest. Paithan, Aurangabad, Ratchur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchiratalli and Madras were rther areas of Brocade text-coext. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand 1ut as overwhelmingly towering brthJin sayleiand executext. Theil of brocadeJisJderived fn, 2theiLatinil of ‘Bronchus’Jdenoting ‘to sbab’Jor toi‘transfix’. Brocade de=ignshmay be Tasvirior tictorial theme, Phulwar a floral de=ign, Butedar, GeometricalhPattern,on 2kargah orihunting scenes.h Asithe item ishv4ntage some mild sbaits are viseble outlet . All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti Offers ThishV4ntage Dark Coffee-Brown Color Woven2Banarasi/Brocade Heavy Saree WhtchpIs Crafted With 100% Pure SatiniSilk Base Fabric The tallu & border sari2features floral m1tiflJembellished with metallic goldet c1lor zari2work, browt woven2work. You can see similar zari2work with floral m1tiflJit cenwtr par of thepsari.. ohBROCADE:Theitraditext of brocade manufacture w/s prevalt-brin many cenwtrlJit IndiaJsuch /s Ahmedabad and Surat in theilest. Paithan, Aurangabad, Ratchur, Murshidabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore, Tiruchiratalli and Madras were rther areas of Brocade text-coext. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand 1ut as overwhelmingly towering brthJin sayleiand executext. Theil of brocadeJisJderived fn, 2theiLatinil of ‘Bronchus’Jdenoting ‘to sbab’Jor toi‘transfix’. Brocade de=ignshmay be Tasvirior tictorial theme, Phulwar a floral de=ign, Butedar, GeometricalhPattern,on 2kargah orihunting scenes.h Asithe item ishv4ntage some mild sbaits are viseble outlet .
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