Beach Bridal Bouquet of Plumeria Ranunculus Hydrangea Roses Sweet Peas Diamonds Pearls and More Seashells than Ever Starfish outlet Sand Dollars
The price quoted is for the bouquet and the matching boutonniere.
This is a new and absolutely perfect bridal bouquet available now on this site. It is just stunning in multicolor plumeria blooms, ranunculus and roses. It is full of color, feminine and lush. outlet Adorned with even some cochina shells...filled with pearls, it has it all!
Thanks Danielle for the ideas and grateful you love it !!!!
***This is a most wonderful bouquet, I made for a Bride that had a great choice in colors. Plumeria blossoms and ranunulus with a touch of pink roses and pearls run through this great looking bouquet in different shades of pink, pale yellow, and the light lavender of the plumeria blooms.
I added many different seashells, including the starfishes and sand dollars. Different from the other bouquets I have pictured, this is bold and delicate at the same time, with such a great combinations of colors and flowers! I can make matching bridesmaids bouquets, hairclips, boutonnieres and corsages too. Just perfectly cool.***